25 Jan
Next time you walk into a sporting goods store, try this- ask the first five people you run into if they know what wakeboarding is. The
re are two general answers that are almost always the response that youll receive. Half of these people will have no idea what youre talking about, to which you may respond with something such as you know, like a snowboard but on water behind a boat, like waterskiing. More often than not, theyll try and comprehend what youre saying and then probably never really think much about it again. The other half of people will say they absolutely know what it is and they are totally stoked on the
24 Nov
Elevated Black Friday Sale
As we celebrate this Thanksgiving weekend, we at Elevated Clothing have a LOT to be thankful for. I'm sure you do as well and from all of us here, we sincerely wish that you are blessed beyond belief. As we near a close to the 2017 year, and reflect on everything this year has brought, we are met with an appreciation for our fans who keep us encouraged, our loyal customers who keep us moving and progressing, our amazing athletes who make the brand known around the world through their hard work, and our tech team who not only keeps us running smoothly but who pushes company innovation as well. Along with that, we are grateful to have branches of Elevated operating in numerous foreign countries, including the newly launched
14 Jan Elevated Wakeboarder Seth Colbert showing us how he enjoys his time off. Cruising around the Bahamas, Key West, Weston Florida, BSR Cable Park, and Hydrous Cable Park. In his own words: "Experience does for the soul what education does for the mind. Keep your life Elevated." Seth is one of our professional wakeboarders based out of Dallas, TX and has been a part of the Elevated family for about 3 years. He kills it both on and off the water and is one of the nicest kids you'll meet. --- Based out of Los Angeles, CA Elevated Clothing is a premier wake, snow, surf, and streetwear brand. We sponsor athletes and events around the world and we pride ourselves in the pursuit of the good life. You can check us out at: instagram: facebook: Website: #clothingbrand #streetwear #clothingline #clothingcommercial
14 Jan
Elevated Clothing - Summer Days From West Coast to East Coast, Elevated Clothing - Summer Days is the latest lifestyle shoot from Michael Martin at MMR Productions. The film follows a tight-knit group of friends from the East Coast as they enjoy what's left of some warm summer days fast fading. Introducing a fit vibe mixed in with ELEVATED's traditional action sports and live life to the fullest angle, Michael managed to capture those perfect moments that make this brand what it is... Friends enjoying the best of life together. Michael brought a refreshing style to our gear. Of course in our brand manifesto there's plenty of room for bearded fit dudes and shenanigans, but what really struck was the actual story behind the scenes. Mike had been pining for a reason to bring his whole friend crew back together and do a project with them, -
28 Jun
Elevated 03 Streetwear Tee
We love this new tee that we put out a couple of weeks ago. It's the ELEVATED 03 Tee, designed to be a bold statement in los angeles streetwear. As we approach a new summer and new releases we'll be focusing our efforts in a variety of directions with ELEVATED. We always want to keep our authentic approach to the boardsports we love and practice, but we also want to really invest in and contribute to our local fashion scene out here in LA. This means more cut and sew pieces, long-line scoop tees, limited edition designs, and altogether more creativity. The Elevated 03 design has been successfully dispersed to most of our athletes, and many of our fans across the world in the last month or so. Photos of people rocking it have been trickling in and we figured why not share with you. So check it out, the Elevated 03 Streetwear Tee live and in action. You can -
27 Jan Elevated Skate. Shred Life Alert ! New skate video from North Hollywood's own Richard Cooper, a Layfette skate park local skater with killer talent and passion, and a dope sense of style it looks like. He's shown here utterly ripping up the DGK kayo store skate park in the Elevated Clothing co "Streetwear 2" tee. Just a little something to let L.A know we're here, and this is just the beginning of what's to come. Elevated skate promo video 2016
20 Dec Shred culture lovers rejoice ! we have some footage here from one beast of a snowboarder in Denis Leontyev ,St Petersburg Russia's own champion of urban snowboarding who doesn't seem to be planning on slowing down anytime in the near future, and with multiple trophies and accolades to his name along with a catalog of jaw dropping footage why would he want to anyway ? Bringing incomparable style and flare to the snowboarding scene is something Leontyev prides himself on, that coupled with effortless execution and good music makes for one hell of a highlight reel. With such a good year now behind him one can only wonder how he'll be able to top it next year. one thing is for certain we will definitely be watching. Denis Leontyev Bear mtn. 2015 highlights
18 Nov
23 year old super surfer John John Florence's movie View from a blue moon is releasing on December 1,2015 and man are we stoked. The biopic features incomparable videography by Blake Vincent Kueny and if the trailer is anything to go by it sports some shots Nat Geo would be jealous of. Shot entirely in crisp 4K resolution with helicopter assisted arial shots, this movie looks to be the dream film for water sports and camera fanatics alike. Florence, one of the top surfers ever, documents his rise from being "just a kid" from Hawaii and takes us along for the ride in fine style. I know, i know, you cant wait right ? for now wet your appetite with this trailer and get ready for December 1st on Itunes and Vimeo.
31 Aug
Interesting new technology premiering. Let us introduce to you Kuai Multisport Biometric Headphones. ---------------------- PRE-ORDER NOW AT WWW.KUAIWEAR.COM ----------------------- Kuai has created the the worlds first wearable multi-sport coach, using technology covered by 30 patents and clinically validated by Duke University, the Kuai headphones accurately calculates the users heart rate, VO2max, calories, cadence, distance and pace, in land and water. These headphones are ideal for sport training as they offer the ability to create and download customizable training plans, create voice guided interval training plans a
22 Jun
Netflix and Chill?... Try Netflix and Shred. When it comes to new slogans, we've all come across a friend or two awkwardly throwing out "netflix and chill." Where did this come from? It seems to have just popped out of nowhere almost overnight, and in a culture that is far too heavily saturated with sexual connotations, pressure, and innuendos, we'd like to just take a second and clear a few things up. Yeah we've all been there... thinking about netflix and chill. They say that guys think about netflix and chill an average once every 7 seconds... That's mental. Every seven seconds we've got movies on our mind... er... sort of. Maybe