Monthly Archives: July 2014
31 Jul
Wake Culture: Austin Hair Late last year, in 2013, ELEVATED picked up pro wakeboarder Austin Hair to join our team. We got fully introduced to him at Surf Expo in Orlando, where he showed our crew incredible hospitality and insane riding at his lake house on Clear Lake. Since that day it's been a lot of fun for us to watch him continuously push his own limits and delve further and further into company culture. That's why we're stoked to show you the following video of Austin throwing down hard in his ELEVATED Products, just released on Alliance Wake Mag. Check it and click the "Like" button. Austin Hair has been busy traveling the world this season but manage to put together a few boat sets in Orlando at Lake Jessamine, Clear Lake, and Lake Conway. Enjoy! Video
29 Jul
Wake Culture: Pro Wakeboarder Brad Smeele Recovery Update 2 Update on Brad Smeele, the New Zealander Pro Wakeboarder who is recovering from a terrible wakeboard accident on July 6th which left him currently paralyzed from the nipple line down. Read the story here: As the weeks have rolled on, it sounds like Brad is making some good progress on the road to recovery. He has a long and arduous battle ahead of him, but we all believe that with the grace of God and Brad's iron will, he can make it through to the other side. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, and this one, of Brad smiling in the hospital, speaks volumes to his character, personality, and determination.
29 Jul
Wakeboarding at its finest- pro wakeboarder Stephen Pierce and friends throw down in this hard hitting, smooth styling, wakeboard edit out of Lake Norman, North Carolina. It's always been known that wakeboarding is something of a rich kid's sport. While there's terrible truth in that statement, it also holds that kids around the world, no matter their financial standing, find ways to get on the lake and shred, building the foundations of this sport. But this video takes it to a new level with Stephen and Tyler Rhyne riding in a shiny white Lamborghini to join Michael Sutherland and the rest of the crew on the new Super Air Nautique G23.
17 Jul
Wake Culture: Austin Hair shredding in Elevated Clothing. Check out Elevated team rider Austin Hair putting it down in his ELEVATED Stamina tee. Filmed and Edited by Matthew Hibbing. [caption id="attachment_5567" align="alignnone" width="867"]
Shreddie Approved[/caption] ELEVATED Clothing is a dedicated Wakeboard Clothing brand
16 Jul
Snow Culture: Check out some seriously sick dry sloping. If you don't know, dry slope can be a super fun way to stay honed in on your shred skills during the warmer months. If you're looking to Jib all year round, Liberty Snowflex Mountain in Lynchburg, VA is probably one of the best places to do it in North America. Watch Jason Anderson shred gnar... I mean turf, in this awesome edit. He's got super clean and dialed in style that makes it look like he's riding real snow.
For more on Liberty Snowflex, click here.
15 Jul
Pro Wakeboarder Brad Smeele: Brad Smeele's Recovery Update It has been absolutely incredible to see the Wakeboard Industry pull together during the past couple weeks of this hard and trying time for professional wakeboarder Brad Smeele and his family.
If you don't know, Brad Smeele took a horrible fall over the 4th of July weekend and shattered one of his vertebrae, ending up paralyzed in the hospital.It sounds like he was attempting a triple backflip off the Big Air kicker and came up short. You can view the story here: After numerous surgeries and
7 Jul
We've just heard the news that Pro Wakeboarder Brad Smeele had a terrible accident wakeboarding this weekend and is in critical condition. Our heart goes out to Brad, who we've been blessed to encounter numerous times over the last two years and who has always been a bright beacon of love, respect, and awesomeness in the wakeboard industry. He's a huge role model and friend to many riders and an incredible athlete. A page has been set up to take donations to help get him home to New Zealand to recover with his family. Please give whatever possible and spread his donation page around. Get
4 Jul
Morning Music Video: Everyone loves a little musical inspiration to start off the day and get their ear drums pumping. Put that beat in your step today and stand tall. We'll keep it fresh for you, pulling from a variety of musical styles across the globe. For the most part we'll keep it relatively underground so you can get exposed to new artists. Let us know what you think of the music in the comments below. Got a suggestion? Respond with a link. Matt Waller... This one's for you. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY AMERICANS! May God Bless Us All.
3 Jul
No Anchor brings you Super Slow Motion Wakeboarding and Wakesurfing - Sunset Sessions by No Anchor
Our homies at No Anchor are continuously producing, what are in our opinion, some of the sickest videos out on the web today for actionsports. They have an eye that most don't, and they constantly prove they have the goods when it comes to beautiful cinematography, inherent story, and capturing action sports heroes. Watch this sunset surf session in Orlando with Logan Hayes and wakeboarding by Parker Bizar.
3 Jul
Check out this awesome game of S.K.A.T.E. produced by Red Bull. Game of S.K.A.T.E is as simple, or technical as you choose to make it. Wakeskater Matti Buys and skateboarder Jean-Marc Johannes don't do basic... Check out the teaser, full video to be released very soon: