15 Dec Kendrick Lamar crashes wedding : what would you do if a world famous platinum selling artist popped up at your wedding uninvited ? An unsuspecting couple was met with that experience a couple weeks back when kendrick lamar showed up at their wedding unannounced and made himself comfortable, partying with the guests and laying down some very current dance moves i might add. Someones' grandpa did not seem too pleased about it unfortunately and stumped the rappers crew with the question "who got married" prompting an awkward exit.
18 Nov
Kangaroo chases golfers: Hold on to your seats for this one, the hilarity is at an all time high. What happens when a kangaroo gets sick of it raining golf balls during his nap ? I'll promise you one thing he doesn't just brush it off and go nap somewhere else, thats for sure. check out this hilarious viral video of a kangaroo seeking to exact revenge on a terrified golfer.
4 Nov Lawyer Mosis Delusional Ex boyfriend thinks he has rights to ex girlfriends child that isn't his and seeks out lawyer assistance! This little number was sent over to us from King Mosis Comedy. Check it out and leave your thoughts.
4 Nov This is another unique WooFDriver outing. This is one of the many farms the WooFPAK runs to keep in shape and have fun. # youtube dogs # train dogs This time, a couple Belgian horses wanted to play. On this track, The WooFDriver uses a recumbent bicycle-like dogcart with special tires to negotiate the sand of the track. The track is actually a professional 5/8-mile horse-training track that the WooFDriver has arranged to use for training purposes. The race between the WooFPAK and the Belgian Horses was purely for fun; The WooFDriver does not actually race his team. All the activities he does are strictly for physical health and physiological well being of his dogs. His most important concern is his dogs. And kicking the horse's butts in the race ? Watch and see! Please enjoy this original WooFTunes music tune written by the WooFDriver and performed by the WooFPlay Band, with Romany Saylor on lead vocals. To find out more about
5 Oct
Backflip on Wakesurf: There's not much more fun than a girl who can do a backflip with ease... except maybe a girl who can do a backflip with ease while standing on a dude's shoulders while they both wake surf... Yeah that's pretty much unbeatable. Check it out and share it around.
1 Oct
More Than Just A Sunset - borrowed light and broken string Explore a world of poetry, heartbreak, loss, love, and life. This is Borrowed-Light-And-Broken-String's first completed animation art project. It's very cool and inspiring. Give it a watch. From the Youtube Video Description: My First Completed Project! A Heart-breaking video. A powerful sad poem about loss of love and life with Awesome art to help tell the story better. Links to check out Website Facebook Instagram Twitter Pinterest Tumblr http://borrowedlightandbrokenstring.t... Google+ Fan Club Merchandise
30 Sep
Kid Falls Asleep On Plane After Eating Chicken Nuggets Have you ever seen a kid fall asleep with chicken nuggets hanging out of his mouth? How about on an airplane? We're going to make a stretch and say that it probably doesn't happen that often. Check out this hilarious video of a young boy passing out mid bite. - This is my son and his viral video of him sitting in First Class Seat on Air Tran flight from Cancun Mexico to Baltimore Maryland falling asleep while eating chicken nuggets that we got for him at the Bubba Gump Shrimp place at the gate before boarding this plane... Watch it, this is so funny. In the matter of weeks almost every TV channel in the world showed this video...
20 Aug
magician finds cards blindfolded
Lazarus Benson is at it again. This time, the magician blindfolds himself while sitting across from two skeptics. He has his new friends pick 4 cards out of a brand new deck and then proceed to shuffle them back in again. All the while, Lazarus is blindfolded, unable to see what's going on, and once the cards are back on the table and mixed, he begins to systematically sort through them to correctly pull out all 4 cards from the deck without sneaking a peak. Watch the video: From Lazarus' own words: In This Video: [For this weeks edition of Monday Magic, the title pretty much gives away the trick,
21 Jul
lazarus benson hacks atm machine:
Have you ever seen a magician hack into someone's bank account the first day they meet? No... neither have I. That is, until now. Watch Lazarus Benson hack into a guy's bank account via atm debit card, by guessing his PIN number out of supposedly thin air. While the guy is psyched about the magic, he isn't too enthused to see Lazarus making a withdrawal out of his checking account within a matter of about 30 seconds. Check out the video and let us know your thoughts. Would you give your debit card to a bar magician? Magician walks up to an ATM an hacks into someones bank account like
22 Jun
Netflix and Chill?... Try Netflix and Shred. When it comes to new slogans, we've all come across a friend or two awkwardly throwing out "netflix and chill." Where did this come from? It seems to have just popped out of nowhere almost overnight, and in a culture that is far too heavily saturated with sexual connotations, pressure, and innuendos, we'd like to just take a second and clear a few things up. Yeah we've all been there... thinking about netflix and chill. They say that guys think about netflix and chill an average once every 7 seconds... That's mental. Every seven seconds we've got movies on our mind... er... sort of. Maybe