Elevated 03 Streetwear Tee
Elevated 03 Streetwear Tee
We love this new tee that we put out a couple of weeks ago. It's the ELEVATED 03 Tee, designed to be a bold statement in los angeles streetwear. As we approach a new summer and new releases we'll be focusing our efforts in a variety of directions with ELEVATED. We always want to keep our authentic approach to the boardsports we love and practice, but we also want to really invest in and contribute to our local fashion scene out here in LA. This means more cut and sew pieces, long-line scoop tees, limited edition designs, and altogether more creativity. The Elevated 03 design has been successfully dispersed to most of our athletes, and many of our fans across the world in the last month or so. Photos of people rocking it have been trickling in and we figured why not share with you. So check it out, the Elevated 03 Streetwear Tee live and in action. You can pick up this sick tee Here: -t-shirt/" target="_blank">https://elevatedclothingco.com/product/03-elevated-clothing-streetwear-t-shirt/ Or on Amazon if you prefer, Here: https://www.amazon.com/Elevated-Clothing-Streetwear-T-shirt-Large/dp/B01FOOZ39E/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1467095405&sr=8-7&keywords=elevated+clothing