Wake Culture: Pro Wakeboarder Brad Smeele Recovery Update 2
Wake Culture: Pro Wakeboarder Brad Smeele Recovery Update 2
Update on Brad Smeele, the New Zealander Pro Wakeboarder who is recovering from a terrible wakeboard accident on July 6th which left him currently paralyzed from the nipple line down. Read the story here: http://elevatedclothingco.com/pro-wakeboarder-brad-smeele-brad-smeeles-recovery/
As the weeks have rolled on, it sounds like Brad is making some good progress on the road to recovery. He has a long and arduous battle ahead of him, but we all believe that with the grace of God and Brad's iron will, he can make it through to the other side.
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, and this one, of Brad smiling in the hospital, speaks volumes to his character, personality, and determination.
Brad is still fighting with his pneumonia, but once that's cleared up and he's in stable enough condition, his family plans to transfer him to Craig Hospital in Denver, CO which is supposed to be the best spinal injury rehabilitation center in the world. Here the hope is that Brad will have the best opportunity to fight alongside the highest quality help.
The support from the entire wakeboard community to help Brad with the immense medical costs of recovery has been amazing. If you would like to give a little and be a special part of his journey, you can do so at the foundation set up for him, here: http://www.bradsmeelefoundation.com
In order to help and play our part, ELEVATED Clothing has teamed up with WakeWell Ministry and are producing #staystrongbrad shirts that we are selling on our site and donating the profit to Brad's recovery fund.
Follow this link to purchase a shirt for Brad.
Also, check out the Local 6 WKMG News story on Brad:
Unfortunately there is not a lot to report on Brad's progress. He is still battling with his pneumonia and we have to wait until this infection is under control before we can take the next step. We have however decided to go public with this photo of Brad post-accident. It's feeling a lot like Groundhog Day here in Orlando.
Once Brad is on top of his pneumonia we are looking at sending him to Craig Hospital in Denver, Colorado, widely regarded as the best spinal injury rehabilitation centre in the world. Nothing confirmed yet, but obviously we want the best possible treatment possible for Brad's on his road to recovery.
For those of you who missed the Local 6 WKMG story on Brad last night you can watch it here: